Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week of 11-23

Purpose: Teach Children about the discovery of Hawaii through photos and observation.
1)      Print out pictures.
2)      Place them on the floor for kids to walk around, look and observe.
3)      Write down their observations on a large piece of paper.
4)      Explain that Hawaiians lived a primitive and ancient life, for example; No electricity, no running water or toilets.
5)      Explain Hawaiians were farmers, fishers and hunters.
6)      Explain that Hawaii was an independent nation and now it is a US State.
7)      Give each student a blank piece of paper and ask them to draw what they think Hawaii was like when it was discovered by Captain Cook. (Please put them on my desk)
8)      Ask them to share their ideas and opinions.
9)      Ahupua’a were farms that used waterfalls to create a sustainable agriculture system.
10)   Hawaiian Royal Court Chiefs wore robes made out of feathers.

Captain James Cook discovers Hawaii in 1778 and calls it the Sandwich Isles

Hawaiians sailed in Outrigger Canoes, like the one at PHA. 

Foreigners from America and England sailed in large flag ships.


Ancient Hawaiian Chief

Ancient Hawaiian Woman

Royal Hawaiian Court

Ancient Hawaiian Night Fishing

Ancient Hawaiian Hale (House)

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