Thursday, September 3, 2015

7th/8th Grade ~ 09/03/2015

Lecture on Compassion with Handout;

Unsponsored Children: Happy's Story

Address of Negative Behaviors from Yesterday's Class

Make a Plan to address the situation in the future


Web of Community

Object: Teach Kids the Web Connections of their Own Neighborhood

Materials: A ball of yarn and a class of Students

Instructions: Students stand in a circle and the Teacher asks questions of Commonality. The yarn is strung between students with the Commonalities. 

Sample Questions:

Who lives by the School?

What street do you live on?

Who else lives on that street?

Who shops at (Insert local grocery store)?

Who else shops there?

Who has a parent or family member working for the school? 

Who goes to (insert name of church)?

Who else goes to church there?

Who eats at (insert name of local restaurant)?

Who else eats at that restaurant?

Who's Teacher is (insert name of Teacher)?


By creating this web of yarn there should be a remarked amount of crisscrosses to each Student. Do not stop until each Student has had the opportunity to hold the yarn and pass it to another neighbor.

Closing comments:

We are all connected to each other in one way or another. We will cross paths many times in life. We can make our interactions negative or positive. I encourage you to error on the side of Compassion~

Compassion Challenge to take home and read with Parents

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